I'm Off Today - Let's Explore

On my days off there is nothing I enjoy more than just getting in my car and going on an adventure. Some days I have no real plans and just drive and see where the day takes me. On this trip I visited Spring Creek Picnic Area, Dakota Point, Sheridan Lake, Highway 385, Pactola Lake, Behind the dam of Pactola Lake, Deadwood, Deadwood’s Welcome Center, Whitewood Creek Trail, and Lead, South Dakota. Everything I did was free, except gambling in Deadwood and I had a fantastic time. I think everyone should take a day trip by themselves and see what adventures they can find.

Spring Creek Picnic Area - nice place to have a picnic.

Driving to Dakota Point Picnic Area and seeing Sheridan Lake.

Love finding animal tracks.

Beautiful even in the winter/spring.

First view of Pactola Lake off Highway 385.

Behind the dam of Pactola Lake.

Geese having fun.

Start of one of the trails for Centennial Trail behind the dam.

Nice view of Pactola Lake.

Walked down to Pactola Lake.

I love old structures. There are so many of them in the Black Hills of South Dakota. These two were on Highway 385 near Silver City Road.

Cool roadside attraction on the way to Deadwood on Highway 385.

Going to stop in Deadwood for a little bit of gambling and lunch.

Love the Franklin Hotel.

Cool guitars inside the Deadwood Mountain Grand.

Love the old buildings in Deadwood.

The occasional win, but in the end the house usually wins.

Walked from the Mickelson Trail parking lot to the First Gold Hotel and then took the Whitetail Creek Trail back - just beautiful.

Stopped in the Deadwood Welcome Center to take some pictures.

Final stop in Lead, South Dakota for some updated pictures. What a fun day.