Enjoying the Badlands with my kids

     The best part of about life is sharing it with those you love. My joy for hiking, backpacking and exploring I like to think is contagious and when my husband and I decided to backpack in the Badlands National Park for a night, I was more than excited to invite my 2 grown children. Now my one child grew up loving being outdoors. He used to walk around in a camo vest with his knife and wildlife cards and was eager to explore. My other child hating being outside with a passion and would go out of his way to stay inside.  Forward 10 years later, and now they are opposite. When I proposed they go backpacking with us over the weekend, the responses were as I expected. So, our story begins.

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     My older child was very excited about this trip because he was home from college for the summer and could not wait to get out and enjoy the beauty of the Black Hills and Badlands. My younger child told me upright he did not want to go but was only doing it for his brother who begged him to come. He said, ‘It will be fun. Just wait and see”.


     Our hike was easy enough. Backpack so many miles in on the Castle Trail - anywhere from 2 to 6 miles and set up camp away from the trail. Afterwards go explore the area, make dinner, and enjoy the sunsets. If lucky you will hear coyotes in the background, may see some buffalo, or bighorn sheep, and just enjoy being together. In the morning, hope for a beautiful sunrise.


     Everything went as planned and we hiked in around 3 miles. The weather was perfect – not too hot, and not too windy. We set up camp and hiked around the area, admiring all the cool formations. Near our tent we even found a water hole which ended up being a contest of who could throw a rock into the water from far away. Later we showed the kids how to make dinner. As night fell, we were all alone. You could hear the silence in the night. It was wonderful. Although it was a little cloudy, we could still see some stars at night. It was magical.


     Now my kids would probably describe the experience a little bit differently, especially my younger child. His explanation goes as follows. It was the worst night of my life. It was hot – too hot to sleep. We got up at night and sat on a rock to try to breathe. That is when the coyotes started to howl. They were so close, I was terrified.  Now I had a choice – suffocate in my tent or get eaten by coyotes. It was a hard choice. I never slept the whole night.

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     The funny thing about our 2 different experiences is they were both probably true. Everyone has their own perspective of what the outdoors means to them – good or bad. The important thing is we were together, enjoying life. To me I will always remember spending time with my kids showing them what makes me happy. To them maybe down the road my youngest will remember it was not all that bad, and even somewhat enjoyable.  Either way, at least we have a story to tell – we got out there in one of the most amazing places in the world and enjoyed it together.


Would my younger child ever go again with us?  – probably not, but we will still try. 

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