Cold Springs Cemetery
The Cold Springs Cemetery is a cool cemetery in Custer County. The oldest gravesite there is from 1884, and the cemetery is surrounded by birdhouses that are sponsored by the historical society members for a fee. The cemetery is located right next to the school and the whole area is just so beautiful and peaceful.
To get to the school turn off Highway 87 on the road just southwest of the turnoff for Rankin Ridge Fire Tower. The road is called several different names depending on where you look. It could be Cold Springs Rd, Beaver Creek, or Rankin Ridge Rd. Take the road for about 3/4 of a mile ( you will pass through a gate saying you are leaving Wind Cave National Park), and turn onto Flynn Creek Rd. You will go a short distance to the final turnoff to the cemetery and church which is marked. The cemetery is about 1 mile from Highway 87.
Turn here for the cemetery and the school.
The school near the cemetery in the fall.
Birdhouses everywhere.
Unknown child marker.
One of the older graves.
Interesting. Wonder what happened here.
More birdhouses.
So peaceful.