Roadside Attractions
All the neat and quirky things you can see and take a picture of in the Black Hills of South Dakota. All pretty cool photo ops or selfies.
The famous Mount Rushmore - so many cool photo opportunities. In Keystone.
All the president’s statutes in Rapid City.
Bicycle Sculpture in the town of Pringle.
Open cut in the town of Lead.
Anywhere in the Badlands National Park near Wall.
This train was in a couple of movies. It is called the famous Engine #7. Located in Hill City.
Bigfoot located in Keystone.
Smoky the Bear located in Hill City.
A section of The Berlin Wall located in Rapid City.
The Geographic Center of the Nation Monument located in Belle Fourche.
Dinosaurs located at Dinosaur Park in Rapid City.
All the buffalo statutes in Custer.
The building in Dances With Wolves at Ft. Hayes in Rapid City.
All the fairy tale houses and statutes at Storybook Island in Rapid City.
Great photo ops for the kids.
1880 Town - Can rent the clothes and take pictures everywhere in town.
The backyard of Wall Drug - Roaring dinosaur and so much more.
Flintstone’s Bedrock City - closed, but still has statues in Custer.
Man walking a dinosaur skeleton - by MM 170 - 1880 Town.
Wild Bills Death Chair - Located in Deadwood at the Old Style Saloon #10 Bar.
Open Cut/Museum - cool photo op located in Lead.
Old Style Saloon #10 in Deadwood.
Ok this one you have to work for - Hike to Black Elk in Custer State Park - We got photo bombed by a mountain goat.
Devil’s Tower National Park near Sundance, Wyoming.
On Highway 85 and Centennial Road just south of Exit 17 Interstate 90.
Devil’s Tower near Sundance, Wyoming.
This 23,000-pound sculpture of a Quarter Pounder burger is on Elk vale Rd just south of I-90.
Hugging the largest prairie dog at the Ranch Store on Highway 240 near MM 131 I -90 - on the way to the Badlands. This has been around since I was a young child.
Giant Buffalo Bill statute in Wasta, near MM 98 I-90.
A couple of possible cool selfies here. On the way to the Badlands near MM 131 I-90.
In Wall near Interstate 90.
On Neck Yoke Road.
On Highway 240 at the Badlands Trading Post near MM 131 I-90 on the way to the Badlands.
On Highway 385 between Deadwood and Hill City - near the restaurant/bar - Sugar Shack just in Lawrence County.
Three heads of the presidents just north of Hermosa off S Highway 79.
Near Camp Columbus on Nemo Road in Pennington County.
White statute of Virgin Mary off S Highway 79 near MM 69.
On Nemo Road west of Rapid City.
On the way to the town of Oral from Buffalo Gap- just very pretty.
In New Underwood as advertised. Not sure if it is or not.
Full Throttle Saloon - Highway 79 north of Sturgis.
Just east of the town of Custer on Highway 16A.
Just down the road from Wall Drug in Wall.
This airplane is located by MM 199 near Sundance, Wyoming. The plane is actually a windsock which turns with the wind. It’s called the Quaal Windsock which honors the people who created it. The plane is a 1950’s Beechcraft Twin Bonanza which sits on a 70 foot pole. Both the plane and the propellers can spin which can be quite often with the gusty winds of the Wyoming prairie. Either way it is a fun thing to see when driving through Wyoming and a great conversation piece.
To get to the airplane you have to take Exit 199 and head west on Old US Highway 14 just west of the Northeast Wyoming Welcome Center. Be careful as there is no pull off if you plan to take pictures.
Closed park on Highway 85 just west of Lead, South Dakota.