Ranch Store
The Ranch Store is a cool place to stop when visiting the Badlands. They have a six ton large statute of a Prairie Dog which makes a great picture for the scrapbook. There is a large prairie dog colony next to the store and you can buy peanuts and feed the prairie dogs who are pretty friendly and always looking for a treat. The store is usually open from late May to mid September 8 am to 6 pm. I visited this store over 40 years ago on vacation from Ohio as a child, and the store is pretty much the same. It hasn’t changed a bit, which is the cool thing about it. Even if the store is closed, it is a neat place to stop and visit off season. There is also the Badlands Trading Post down the road which has a bunch of buffalo statutes which are also a fun photo opportunity. Both stores are located off MM 131 I -90 on Highway 240.
Have you hugged a prairie dog today?
Great photo ops.
Prairie dogs at the store. They are not afraid of humans and look for treats.
Got a treat?
Badlands Trading Post - good for another selfie with buffalo.