Pioneer Grave - Dr. Alvin Herbert
Dr Alvin Herbert lived in what use to be known as the Bakerville area before it became Custer State Park. He at one time was the postmaster and well respected. He is one of 3 gravesites left in Custer State Park. The other 2 are - Major James Whitehead and the baby Mann gravesite.
To get to this gravesite you need to go about 1/2 mile east of the Prairie Trail trailhead on Wildlife Loop in Custer State Park. Right when you pass the fence, there is a small place you can park. You need to cross the creek to the south (hard to find a place to do so and no trail) and follow the fence line. The gravesite is in the field. Be cautious of the creek, and the buffalo who like to roam there.
Another way to the gravesite is off the Prairie Trail which is to the west of the gravesite. You will have to bushwhack off the trail to get to the gravesite.
Had to cross the stream. Use extreme caution.
Saw on the way to the gravesite.
Up close.
Looking north towards the road.
Looking south - the Prairie Trail is to the west.
If on the Prairie Trail - once you see this sign you can hike down to the grave which is to the northeast of the sign down in the valley.
The gravesite seen from the Prairie Trail with a tele-photo lens.