Minnekahta Trailhead to Edgemont Trailhead
Milepost 0 to milepost 16.2 or vice versa.
This was a very pretty section of the trail and we loved Sheep Canyon. We did this bike ride in May and took 2 cars. The first car was parked at Edgemont Park at the end of the trail, and the second car was parked at Minnekahta Trailhead. This allowed us for an easy 16.2 mile bike ride mostly downhill. It took us less than 2 hours to complete and afterwards we had lunch at Edgemont Park. We saw 4 rattlesnakes on this section of the trail so use caution.
Beginning of the trail - right by Highway 18.
Looks easy.
Interesting information.
We are all set to go.
Half mile in and see our first rattlesnake cross the path.
A mile and half in and see a rattlesnake killed on the pathway.
Neat old houses along the way.
They are fixing this bridge.
Cross a couple of these gates.
Enjoying the beautiful day.
Arrive at the canyon. Just gorgeous.
Very interesting information about the old bridge that was in the area.
Nice place for a break.
This is where the old bridge once was.
Third rattlesnake we saw - this one was sunning himself on some rocks. A short time later we saw another rattlesnake cross the road.
A little uphill climb.
Another gate to pass through.
Can see our way down to Edgemont coming up.
Now we follow the road and railroad tracks all the way to Edgemont.
Almost done with the trail.
On the road in Edgemont. We hit the longest train I have ever seen - about a 15 to 20 minute wait.
Arrived at the end of the trail through town.
At Edgemont Park having lunch.
Longest covered bridge in South Dakota.
Very nice park to explore.