Keystone - Mountain View Cemetery
This is a pretty neat cemetery in Keystone that has a great view of Mount Rushmore. There are more than 450 people buried here and some records indicate burial as far back as 1887. There are also some well known subjects buried here as well -
Bobby Buntrock - as a boy he played Harold Baxter on the tv show Hazel and had small parts in other shows before retiring and moving to Keystone where he was killed in a car accident at the age of 21.
David Swanzey - he helped name Mount Rushmore and was married to Carrie Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie fame. He was friends with Gutzon Borglum who created Mount Rushmore.
A lot of the workers who worked on the mountain are buried there as well, and this cemetery is said to be haunted. I watched a YouTube video that Clay Gibbs had done on the cemetery at night I thought was pretty neat, especially the audio heard by one of the grave sites. When I visited the cemetery during the day, I felt like I was being watched even though I was the only one there. Either way, it is interesting to those who like history, or the unknown.
To locate Mountain View Cemetery take U.S. Highway 16A through town, and turn onto Cemetery Road. Please respect this area.