Horsethief Lake Trail #14
Horsethief Lake Trail #14 is a 2.7 mile trail that is part of the system of trails that run through the Black Elk Wilderness area and is a popular hike with people camping at Horsethief Lake. The easiest way to access trail #14 is from just south of Horsethief Lake. This trail doesn’t have a definite destination and is mostly used to access the other trails in the area. After about .7 miles it connects with the Centennial Trail which can then be taken for a 3.5 mile hike to Mt. Rushmore. It can also be used to access Black Elk Peak via trail #7 and #4 (this would end up being a steep 14 mile round trip). The trail itself can be steep and wet but there is some nice scenery. If you’re looking for a shorter hike that you can do with kids, the first mile is pretty with stream crossings, little waterfalls, and cool rocks which kids will enjoy.
We starting hiking this trail from Trail #7, but you can access it also near Horsethief Lake.
Nice easy trail to follow in the beginning.
Nice views at times.
Getting near the top for the big hike downhill to the lake.
Very rough in parts.
Have to walk through very wet spots.
Other places are smoother.
Meeting up with Trail #89 - Centennial Trail.
Take the correct path to Horsethief Lake.
Very rocky.
Neat section for the kids. Not so much if carrying a backpack which we were when we hiked it.
Beautiful little waterfalls here and there.
Need to register if entering the Black Elk Wilderness.
Arrived at Horsethief Lake.
Just beautiful.