Cool Rock off Highway 244

This is just a cool rock area we discovered in the area of Mount Rushmore when the kids were younger. We use to come here a lot to just climb around, explore, and have fun.

Where you turn off and park. One side of the sign says Black Hills National Forest and the other side says Mount Rushmore National Park.

Where you turn off and park. One side of the sign says Black Hills National Forest and the other side says Mount Rushmore National Park.

Directions to get to the cool rock

Just east of the Wrinkled Rock Climbers Trail on Highway 244 is a Black Hills National Forest /Mount Rushmore sign with a small parking pull off spot. This is where you park on the south side of the road and begin your climb near the sign on the same side. The rocks go straight up and are easy to climb. There is also somewhat of a trail there as well - just make sure you stay to the right and go between the rocks on the left and the cliff on your right . Once you get to the top of the rocks, the trail ends, and you then climb down to the trees and go east a short distance (follow the rocks but down in the trees). This will take you to the cool rock. There is also a lot of climbing opportunities and my kids loved this area growing up. As always use caution and don’t climb the rocks if they are wet since they become very slippery and dangerous.

This is the trail/rocks you climb to get to the top. Right by the road sign start hiking to the south up the hill. There is a small path if you look for it. Stay to the right as you go up the rocks - one side rocks - other side small cliff.

This is the trail/rocks you climb to get to the top. Right by the road sign start hiking to the south up the hill. There is a small path if you look for it. Stay to the right as you go up the rocks - one side rocks - other side small cliff.

Keep going up….

Keep going up….

At the cool rock - very large boulder that looks out of place.

At the cool rock - very large boulder that looks out of place.

Keep climbing till you get to the end - overlooks the trees - not too bad of a climb, but need sturdy shoes.

Keep climbing till you get to the end - overlooks the trees - not too bad of a climb, but need sturdy shoes.

Unique rocks near the top.

Unique rocks near the top.

Tight squeeze.

Tight squeeze.

Cool places to climb through.

Cool places to climb through.

Fun photo ops - kids then.

Fun photo ops - kids then.

Kids now - still a favorite.

Kids now - still a favorite.

Very unique photo op. - Looks like a cardinal. - Got this from hiking to one of the rock outcrops in the area

Very unique photo op. - Looks like a cardinal. - Got this from hiking to one of the rock outcrops in the area


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