Burlington Northern Hill City Trailhead to Mountain Trailhead
Milepost 49.6 to milepost 60.1 or vice versa.
The Burlington Northern Hill City Trailhead starts at MM 60.1 in Hill City and goes to MM 49.6 at the Mountain Trailhead just south of Crazy Horse Monument. It goes pretty much uphill the whole way until you hit Crazy Horse and then it goes down the last 3/4 of a mile until it hits the next trailhead. We did this 10.5 mile trailhead starting at Hill City and then turning around. The 2 miles going up to Crazy Horse are the worst since it is at a steeper slope and you can be exposed to the sun at certain times of the day. Once you turn around at the Mountain Trailhead and get back to Crazy Horse, you pretty much glide back down to Hill City making it the best part of the trip.
Start of the trail - pay here if you need to get a pass.
Follow the sidewalk and turn left to start the beginning of the trail.
Beginning of the trailhead.
A gate you have to go around.
We found bigfoot.
Crossing S Highway 16/385 - looking south towards Custer.
Looking north towards Hill City.
You cross lots of bridges.
Nice place to take a break.
One of the tunnels you go through.
Still happy - getting closer.
And here is where the climb begins up to Crazy Horse.
Can see the tunnel - almost there.
We made it to Mountain Trailhead.
Nice place for another rest until we start to head back.
See Crazy Horse for the first time from the opposite direction.
Old ruins in the woods next to the trail.
Now we glide all the way down back to Hill City once we go through the tunnel.
We reward ourselves with some drinks after a long day of biking.